Session 4 Rock Production – Jupiter N


we worked very well together in my group. we all worked on our songs and helped each other if we needed it. we every day asked what we all planned to do that day and how much we got done from the day before.

21st Century Skills

We learned how to do stand up meetings and that was something that we learned to do every day and do it and ask everyone questions and fill out what we did. It was something everyone got used to very fast.

Reactions to Final Version

“you did a good job” -Tiana

“I’m always a huge stan. it was so amazing” -Brian

“well done. it’s been fun to hear this piece evolve. you’ve made real progress towards your goals. I heard you sing higher notes and maintain an even pace. nice lyricism. dont rush it. we’ll be happy to follow along with you” -Herynkx 

Evaluation of Final Version

what I learned from this song is that I don’t need to constantly make it faster when it’s not needed and that I should take my time and not constantly just keep throwing it.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I had a hard time writing and adding to the already made song but I overcame that by just working with the song and just seeing where I could add a few more lines and work on it. I also overreached the high notes in the 3 versions of the song so this time I wanted to manage and do the things I wanted to be able to reach in my song. I also learned that slowing my song just a tad would sound a lot nicer than so rushed.



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He/They ♡

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